Commissioners Square Off on Jail Financing and Property Tax…more glitches in technical equipment

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall, A Populist

The Lake County Commissioners’ meeting held on September 5, 2024 was worth the price of admission. Commissioner John Hamercheck and John Plecnik squared off on issues of jail funding, and property taxes.

We have been told by the public that the live-streaming of the meeting stopped at about the 41 minute mark, so the public did not hear much of the debate. We did record it for our readers:

Last week Commissioner John Hamercheck’s microphone was disabled, and now this week the live-streaming of the meeting stops unexpectedly. They are either using a similar system found at the State Capitol, where “glitches” in the system censored one-half of my speech to the property tax committee, or our system needs to be upgraded.

Shutting off the live-streaming so that the citizens cannot see or hear the public meeting is not acceptable.

Here was the recent response from the Commissioners’ office:

There were some technical difficulties during the live meeting today but the entire meeting was captured and it is now posted online and can be viewed at this link,

Categories: Lake County - General, Lake County Politics


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