Lake County Investment Advisory C0mmittee

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

The Lake County Investment Advisory Committee, composed of Treasurer Zuren, Commissioner Plecnik, and Commissioner Regovich, listens to an economic and portfolio update by Ms. Eileen Stanic, CTP of Meeder Public Funds today.

The County has $303,645,796 in cash and $278,191, \598 in securities for a total portfolio of $581,837,394 invested. The County’s investment income is in excess of $14 million per year.

Here is a link to our article on the meeting held August 4, 2022.

Here were the portfolio balances on August 4, 2022.

Cash $265,023,986
Securities $171,838,855
Total $436,862,841

Here is a link to an article we wrote back in August 29, 2021. The total portfolio was $$359,324,723.

You may be interested in the first paragraph of this August 29, 2021 article:

“We attended the Lake County Investment Advisory Committee quarterly meeting on April 29, 2021. The meeting was timely since the Commissioners are trying to determine how to pay for a new jail that is estimated to cost the taxpayers $100 million.

We will be writing article on the anticipated cost of the new “public safety center”, formerly known as a jail. Would you believe $205 million plus financing costs? It will be a very nice jail.

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