Crooked Politicians Will Do Anything to Stop President Trump

Linda Goudsmit’s editorial opinion on the article:

The dirty Democrats aren’t satisfied with stealing an election from President Trump – now they are determined to destroy citizen Trump. Why? The corrupt Democrats and equally corrupt RINOs need to end Trump’s political career. They know that in his second term, President Trump will certainly expose their staggering corruption and political malfeasance.

President Trump was elected to drain the swamp, but it took almost 4 years to ferret out the corrupt RINOs who were the enemy within and complicit with the rabid, Democrat anti-Trumpers.

A forensic analysis of the most maniacal anti-Trumpers would reveal their stunning financial involvement with communist China. The analysis would begin with Biden, Pelosi, McConnell, Feinstein, Clinton, Romney, Schumer, Obama, et al.

The tragedy is that our country is becoming a vassal state of communist China because corrupt elected officials will do anything, including sacrificing American freedom, not to be exposed. Wake up America! This is not a Democrat vs Republican fight – it is a war on America by greedy corrupt politicians and their lackeys, like Cyrus Vance, on both sides of the aisle.


By Cristina Laila 
Published February 25, 2021

Excerpts from the article:

The Manhattan District Attorney’s office obtained millions of pages of Trump’s tax returns following the Supreme Court’s decision. 

The US Supreme Court ruled Monday that President Trump’s taxes can be turned over to New York City District Attorney Cy Vance so he can conjure up some charges against the former president.

Trump blasted the highest court of the land for allowing the witch hunt against him to continue unabated.

“The Supreme Court never should have let this ‘fishing expedition’ happen, but they did,” Trump said. “This is something which has never happened to a President before, it is all Democrat-inspired in a totally Democrat location, New York City and State, completely controlled and dominated by a heavily reported enemy of mine, Governor Andrew Cuomo.”




Categories: National News, Uncategorized


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