“Just Dave” Tries to Defend the Indefensible

LFC Comments by T. Paine:

Dave Joyce was at the Geauga Conservative Club and was asked about his vote to investigate the January 6th event at the Capitol. “Just Dave” gave the audience the “Texas Two-Step” and never addressed the issue. After reconsidering, he decided that he should give his constituency a response.

Anyone that votes with Liz Cheney and Anthony Gonzalez is no friend of Conservatives. “Just Dave” is the consummate RINO, and we will gladly expose him. We do not believe a word this man says. He obviously believes that we are stupid with this sad attempt to defend his vote. He is how we rate his response:

I’ve heard from many folks across OH-14 in the past couple of days about my vote for H.R. 3233, the National Commission to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the United States Capitol Complex Act. Some have thanked me, others have condemned me.

Regardless of where you stand on the matter, I want to make something very clear: this commission is about facts, not partisan politics.

Since the day following January 6th, I have supported an independent, bipartisan investigation into the attack on the U.S. Capitol as well as the security vulnerabilities it exposed. More than 1,400 of our men and women in blue put their lives on the line to confront the violence and chaos that consumed our entire legislative branch of government. They – and the American people – deserve to know exactly what happened so that we can ensure it never happens again. 

To this day, we have not received answers to many concerning questions, including why no additional preventative measures were taken when both Congressional and Capitol Police leadership had been warned about the “strong potential for violence,” or why former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund had six requests for assistance both ahead of and during the attack that were denied or delayed.

As a former prosecutor, I know that any legitimate investigation must be free of bias, cannot predetermine the outcome and must present factual evidence. That’s why I voted against the efforts to impeach President Trump. Rushing to conclusions without having any of the facts just mere days after the attack on the U.S. Capitol was a thinly veiled form of political gamesmanship. This commission is the opposite of that.

Republicans and Democrats worked together to create a commission that was fair instead of the hyper-partisan Commission that was originally proposed by the Speaker (which had more Democrats than Republicans and would have allowed single-party control over the issuing of subpoenas). Instead, the bill that passed the House this week would create a balanced commission that consists of an equal number of Republicans and Democrats (five each), none of whom can be government officials or employees. The commission would be required to hold public hearings during which it could receive testimony, evidence, and administer oaths. Furthermore, no subpoenas could be issued without bipartisan agreement.

Overall, the Commission would be tasked with: Investigating the activities of intelligence agencies, law enforcement, and the military with respect to intelligence collection and dissemination. Examining the role of technology, including online platforms; financing; and malign foreign influence campaigns in the execution of the attack. Evaluating evidence from government agencies regarding targeted violence and domestic terrorism linked to the attack.

Identifying lessons learned and making recommendations to prevent future violent acts and making security improvements to the U.S. Capitol while preserving public access. (The Commission’s report must be completed by the end of this year, preventing any investigations from being dragged into 2022.)

This bipartisan, independent commission will be critical to removing the politics surrounding the events of January 6th and providing the American people with the answers they want and deserve. Only when we have all of the facts will we be able to fix the failures that occurred and prevent a repeat of that day’s tragic events from happening again. 


Categories: Congress, National News


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