Vaccine or Mask Mandate Legal Help

LFC Comments: Thanks to a friend of a friend for sending this article to us for publication.


This is a list of law firms that you may contact if you believe your rights (or family members, etc), are being infringed upon by your employer, school, college, or any group that discriminates against you for not complying with their vaccine or mask mandates. 

1. Liberty Counsel [ https// ]

2. Liberty Institute [ ]

3. Pacific Justice Institute
[ ]

4. Advocates For Faith and Freedom [ ]

5. Alliance Defending Freedom [ ]

6. National Legal Foundation

7. Thomas More Law Center [ ]

8. Thomas More Society

9. Christian Legal Society [ ]

10. American Center for Law and Justice [ ]

11. Center for Law and Religious Freedom [ ]

12. Christian Attorneys of America

13. Christian Law Association [ ]

14. National Association of Christian Lawmakers

15. Pacific Legal Foundation

I hope this helps, because now is the time to stand up to this kind of injustice and draconian medical tyranny!! 



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