Pasadena Patriots Meetups

October 4, 2021

Dear Patriot Warriors,

Silent No More’s format is transitioning; instead of weekly meetings, we have begun organizing weekly Patriots’ Night Out. 

This serves a dual purpose:
1) We let businesses know that we will support them when they choose to fight back against the tyrannical government mafia bullying, AND 
2) Patriots get to gather, unwind and refuel for the battle ahead, which is becoming fiercer by the moment.

Please view the flyers below for other upcoming events.

A note regarding this week’s Patriots’ Night Out: As you enter Casa Bianca “au naturel”, please do so casually, without drawing attention. A couple of us (that are always au naturel) have been there with no issue. I also had a good conversation with the owner. Although he draws the line with the injection, he is under tremendous pressure from the City and some customers regarding masks. Let’s show him that it can be done without incident. Remember, we are at war and need to utilize tactics that will gain us ground. Let’s get businesses to join us.

Please join our Telegram channel for daily posts and information.
Never Give up! Galatians 6:9

Giannina “Gia” D’Amato

Candidate for California State Assembly, District 51
Founding Immediate Past President, Greater Pasadena Republican Assembly
Founder, Silent No More (an Action Coalition for Boots on the Ground)
Pasadena CA –Lobbyists for Citizens

Categories: Pasadena CA, Uncategorized

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