Command Communications…avoiding potential crisis

LFC Comments by Brian Massie – Executive Director
We are pleased to help out our business community get their message out to the community.






(Too bad your spokesperson just said out loud

that thing that should never be said out loud.)

There are nine core steps companies need to take to prepare for any potential crisis.

Just nine steps. And ensuring your designated spokesperson is thoroughly prepared and armed to take command of any media interview or public appearance is the seventh.

Command Communications© offers proven techniques and guidance – based on more than 4,000 individuals trained – giving participants the skills and confidence to control their company’s key messages, the interview or presentation, and ultimately the outcome.

Session Offerings

§  Media and Community Engagement Training – The most popular format, normally conducted in small groups of six to eight members of a management team, with each participant receiving at least two mock media interview and critique exercises.

§  1:1 Executive Coaching – Designed for C-suite and other executives, these sessions are usually two to three hours and more intensely focused given the skill levels of these individuals.

§  Frontline Leadership Skills® – A proprietary training module specifically designed to help frontline managers at manufacturing plants and other facilities to better engage and motivate work groups, including employees who are disgruntled or even hostile toward management.

§  Keynote and Presentation Skills – Provides proven techniques around preparation, practice/rehearsal, and the clear and compelling delivery of major speeches, sales pitches, and board and other business presentations.

About the Principal

Stephen F. Lee, APR, is an award-winning corporate and crisis communications professional with more than 35 years of deep and varied experience in guiding the management teams of major corporations through significant high-risk and high-visibility situations.

He has counseled dozens of blue-chip corporations, as well as smaller companies and nonprofit organizations, on public relations, community engagement, environmental/risk communications, and emergency response and business continuity issues – providing both small-group and private coaching sessions to CEOs and other company officers, public information officers, nonprofit board directors/trustees, scientists, engineers, EHS personnel and public officials, among others.

Stephen also has a unique perspective – apart from many other media training firms – having served as a designated spokesperson and sitting member of the executive emergency response committees of both the U.S. holding company of Bayer AG and United Airlines.

With the right preparation, practice and coaching, anyone can

become highly adept at representing their company with authority

and clarity of message – even in the most distressing situations.

For more information about the power of this training and how a session can be tailored to your organization’s specific needs, call 440.477.4985 or send a note to


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