Coal Fired Power Plants…so much for new green deal

LFC Comments: Thanks to Kelly Kohl for sending us these revealing statistics on coal fired power plants.

The climate change deception was started by Mikhail Gorbachev of Russia. He even started the Green Cross, the “Red Cross” for the environment. The following article paints him to be a great humanitarian, but we beg to differ. Once a communist, always a communist bent on controlling the masses.,28804,1663317_1663319_1669882,00.html

“Once the U.S.S.R. collapsed, Gorbachev used his authority and experience to launch Green Cross International in the wake of the 1992 U.N. Rio Conference on Environment and Development. The Green Cross has emerged as a worldwide environmental-protection body that addresses everything from climate change to chemical contamination.”



How many coal fired power plants are there in the world today?

Green New Deal – just look at this  

The EU has 468 – building 27 more… Total  495    

Turkey has 56 – building 93 more… Total  149    

South Africa has 79 – building 24 more… Total  103    

India has 589 – building 446 more… Total  1035    

Philippines has 19 – building 60 more… Total  79    

South Korea has 58 – building 26 more… Total 84    

Japan has 90 – building 45 more… Total 135   

China has 2,363 – building 1,171 more… Total = 3,534          

That’s 5,615 projected coal powered plants in just 8 countries.    

USA has 15 – building 0 more…Total = 15   

Democrat politicians with their “ green new deal” want to brainwash us and shut down those 15 plants in order to “save” the planet.  

This makes the point.    Whatever the USA does or doesn’t do won’t make a Tinker’s Dam regarding CO2 unless the rest of the world, especially China and India reduce their coal-fired power plants as well.   

The whole “global warming” and “climate change” gambits by Democrats are to create a *supposedly* sound, scientific basis to justify a federal government power-grab and the passage of MORE laws to increase taxes and increased control of the privately owned power industry and its distribution. 

Never forget the *main* motivation they have -“Oh, we will SAVE the planet!!”

WAKE UP AMERICA !!!!    We are being played ….. again !!



Categories: World News

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