The Silencing of the Truth

Roger Malone MD interview worth the time

Written by: Mary Pruitt / January 1, 2021

Robert Malone MD is a highly skilled vaccine/FDA insider. He is being silenced and smeared because he speaks out against the prohibition by ALLEGED HEALTHCARE LEADERS of re-purposed medications such as ivermectin or HCQ. Many people died because ALLEGED healthcare leaders LIED (ie…Frankenfauci, Birx, Woodcock, Rick Bright, Walensky, politicians AND ALL HOSPITALISTS RAKING IN THE COVID BIG BUCKS, etc).

Joe Rogan’s interview is enlightening. If you want TRUTH, I encourage you to turn off the Trusted News Initiative (ie…MSM, GOOGLE, WAPO, BBC, etc) drivel. Instead, listen to factual, unencumbered, malfeasance free, educational information.

Here is a link to the full interview.

In truth,

Mary Pruitt


Categories: Free Speech Zone


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