Willful blindness of the Jewish Communities in Israel and the U.S.

Brian, this is from my friend Ury Weiss in Israel. The video is absolutely chilling, and Ury’s remarks (forwarded with his permission, of course) highlight the willful blindness of the Jewish communities in Israel and the U.S.

Linda Goudsmit

This video compares what is happening today with the covid vaccinations to what happened before and during the holocaust in Germany.

From: Ury Weiss <uryweiss@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Important – Vera Sharav Hitler’s Holocaust survivor draws frightening parallels between then and now.
Date: January 24, 2022 at 5:34:49 AM EST

I’ve watched many of Vera Sharav’s speeches, but this one is the most formidable of them all. Thank you for sending it to me.
I am a war veteran of the IDF and every year we have social gatherings, which I always attended and enjoyed, while I was in the country. A similar gathering will take place on February 15, 2022. This time instead of registering, I called the contact person Aharale, himself a war veteran in a wheelchair, asking about those vaccine passports. I told Aharale that it doesn’t say if you needed to show proof of the poison shot 💉 in order to attend. “Of course you need to have proof of being jabbed for attending. What kind of question is that? This is a directive from our Ministry of “Health” (and Truth)” .

I reminded Aharale, that while we were soldiers we have undergone extensive classroom training as to what constitutes an illegal order, or directive, where one has the moral and legal obligation to refuse. Examples were brought from the Nuremberg trials where the then Nazis accused, defended their actions of atrocities committed, as being part of the chain of command of the Nazionale Socialist (NAZI) party. As such they argued that they have not committed any war crimes, nor are they to be considered criminals, because they weren’t part of the supreme command who put these horrific policies in place.

Although many of the Nazi war criminals were smuggled into the US via operation “Paper Clip”, most of the Nazi war machine command along with 32 doctors were tried and convicted of various degrees of CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. Many were hanged, not enough in my view.

What ensued was the writing of the Nuremberg Code, which in a symbolic way came to negate the entire criminal behaviour of the Third Reich when they adopted the Eugenic, racist, discriminatory Nuremberg laws in 1935, creating the system of Medical Apartheid of the Arians, the Undesirables, and the disease carriers Jews.

Vera Sharav’s speech is impressive. Very few Jews want to tackle the real issue of antisemitism, which also includes Jewish antisemitism. We all know that Hitler’s Holocaust succeeded to the extent it did, thanks to the Jewish Kappos who were instrumental in identifying the hideouts of many Jews. Today many of these Kappos are in the government of Israel, Knesset Israel, the Police, the office of the Attorney General, the Supreme Court and the high command of the IDF. All senior officers of the IDF were trained at the Jeffrey Epstein academy at Harvard University, which is also the world headquarters of the worldwide DEEP STATE.

For quite a few years, I am aware that Yeshiva University in NYC, qualifies antisemitic Rabbis. The silence of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in LA in the face of this PLAN-DEMIC, including forced injections without consent, is DEAFENING. 

Albert Burla, the CEO of Pfizer is a war criminal psychopath, who in my mind deserves the death penalty. Instead, he and the entire Pfizer management were invited to Israel to receive a prestigious prize. They could NOT come because…are you ready for this?…they are NOT “VACCINATED”. Theatre of the absurd in it’s utmost absurdity.

It is high time for the Jewish communities worldwide to do some introspective reflection. Perpetual victimhood is counterproductive and starts to be boring. For years I am bereft and cancelled for pointing out that approximately 75% of US Jews feel deep contempt for Israeli patriots and fully embrace the genocidal, racist, Bolshevik, DemocRAT party of America. Even the Blacks are leaving the DemocRAT plantation, but not the Jews.

If any organization would bestow praise on someone like Jimmy Carter, we would rightly so claim it must be antisemitic. However there is complete silence when the Institution doing it is none other than Yeshiva University. Shameful and despicable…

Lastly, it’s the second time in 3 months that I am blocked from writing anything on FascistBook. This kind of censorship is in collusion with the various countries in the world. We are fighting the world war 3, but the war ain’t between countries despite the fact that Russia may go ahead and invade Ukraine. Our enemies worldwide are our own psychopathic governments, Turd-ough in Canada, Benito Naftalini in Israel and the demented puppet in the WH in the USA. 

Please join my Telegram channel at Uri’s gang…Blessings to ALL…Uri


LFC Comments by Brian Massie:

Upon reading the article and watching the video, I thought about another atrocity happening in the world – China’s genocide of their Uyghur population. The world continues to trade with China even when they know about their evil ways.


Billionaire investor Chamath Palihapitiya says ‘nobody cares’ about Uyghur genocide in China

PUBLISHED MON, JAN 17 20226:00 PM EST / UPDATED WED, JAN 19 202210:02 AM EST

Written by: Amanda Macias
Global trade and diplomacy reporter

Excerpt from the article:

  • Billionaire investor Chamath Palihapitiya said during a recent podcast episode that “nobody cares” about the ongoing human rights abuses against the Uyghurs in China.
  • The abuse of Uyghurs and members of other Muslim minorities in the region has been described as “widespread, state-sponsored forced labor” and “mass detention.”
  • Palihapitiya went on to say that he cared about supply chain issues, climate change, America’s crippled healthcare system as well as the potential economic fallout of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan.
  • “Of all the things that I care about, it is below my line,” Palihapitiya said of the Uyghurs’ plight.

The following pictures were taken by LFC on January 6, 2021 in Washington, D.C.




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