Are we merely hackable animals…Is re-engineering life on the horizon?

So, the Gestapo couldn’t do it, the KGB couldn’t do it, but this particular darling of the globalists has no problem with the managerial state doing it???? What part of tyranny does this indoctrinated millennial not understand??

I understand that Harari is a homosexual, and truly believes his life will be better without the Judeo-Christian tradition that deems homosexuality an abomination. But, Harari simply does not grasp the consequences of his very childish and emotional short-sighted choice. Yuval Harari is an extremely useful idiot for the globalists, because he will bring the gullible homosexual community into the fold – no bullets required.

I just shake my head that anyone as intellectually advanced as Harari, can be so easily regressed to a state of emotional childishness – absent any critical thinking. He will live to regret his loyalty to the globalist new world order.

Linda Goudsmit

Transhumanism | Klaus Schwab and Dr. Yuval Noah Harari Explain The Great Reset / Transhumanism Agenda




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