Will you believe the comforting lies rather than the unpleasant truths?

LFC comments by Brian Massie, Executive Director

Whether we are ready or not, the world, and our culture are changing. I have said many times that we are not only in a cultural war, but a spiritual war as well. I truly believe that we are fighting the forces of darkness. Lies, deceptions, betrayals, and corruption are everywhere. Truth has become a fleeting Utopian ideal.

Both political parties are morally bankrupt and treat the citizens as their subjects. Honesty, integrity and transparency are the keys to good governance and an informed electorate.

The Covid-19 “plandemic” pulled back the curtain on so much that was beneath the surface. It showed us that those with their hands on the controls of government, at all levels, can quickly turn into tyrants, whether drunk on power or seduced by personal gains. It also exposed those citizens, who seemingly having lost their ability to discern the truth, will quickly bow to authority because they believe that those in power are acting for the betterment of mankind. Fear became an addiction for some people.

We truly hope that historians will not be kind to those that were in positions to save lives, but simply lied, deceived and betrayed average Americans. It is, and was, all about their power and profits before the best interests of the people!

Unfortunately, we are not returning to the America you remember before this 2020 “plandemic”. My personal concern is that the public sector is growing so quickly that the private sector will not be able to pay for it. The continued double digit inflation will reek havoc on the personal savings of everyone, and we will continue to see property tax increases so that the public sector can cover their costs due to inflation. We are “swirling the drain”.

Another important factor lost on most Americans is the loss of our personal freedoms. One only has to look at what is happening in Canada and Australia to see what is coming to America.

Far too many take the freedoms enumerated in the Bill of Rights for granted and forget the sacrifices by Americans in foreign wars to ensure those freedoms. We will surely be tested in the near future. Will you fight for your freedoms, or will you continue to bow and accept your fate?

Be on guard and vigilant at all times; we suggest you “verify then trust”! We will continue to shine light into the darkness. Our only agenda is to help people spread the truth regardless of political party. If you deceive the citizens, you will be exposed!



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