Can you guess who dropped by for a visit?…updated 2/28/22…3:00 pm

The doorbell rang about 9:00 am this morning, and I saw a young woman and a young man, well dressed with briefcases, with big warm friendly smiles on their faces.

My first thought was what are the Jehovah Witnesses doing out on such a cold morning? I was waiting for them to show me their Watchtower magazine.

They then flashed their badges identifying themselves as agents of the F.B.I. (….cue the law and order music)

I then told them that I do not talk to the F.B.I., and I consider their organization to be the Fraudulent Bureau of Intimidation. The young lady smiled, and said that they are more in-line with my thinking than I know.

She said that they just want to ask me about what happened on May 4th. With a honest puzzled look on my face, I said I have know idea what you are talking about.

I was given their business cards and was told that if I ever want to talk then I can call them.

So how was your morning?


Updated 2/25/22 / 5:05 pm

We received the following article from a Lake County lobbyist. Since it pertains to talking to the F.B.I., we thought it would be very helpful to our readers.

“Title 18, United States Code, Section 1001 makes it a crime to: 1) knowingly and willfully; 2) make any materially false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or representation; 3) in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative or judicial branch of the United States. Your lie does not even have to be made directly to an employee of the national government as long as it is “within the jurisdiction” of the ever expanding federal bureaucracy. Though the falsehood must be “material” this requirement is met if the statement has the “natural tendency to influence or [is] capable of influencing, the decision of the decisionmaking body to which it is addressed.” United States v. Gaudin , 515 U.S. 506, 510 (1995). (In other words, it is not necessary to show that your particular lie ever really influenced anyone.)”

Just in case you get so strangers with badges knocking at your door, you will know how to handle the situation. However, when you see swat teams rappelling down from helicopters, and CNN in front of your house, you have a whole different problem.


Updated 2/28/22 3:00 pm

Have you ever thought about completing a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) form?

Here is a link to the FBI website that will allow you to file the request:,release%20pursuant%20to%20the%20FOIA.

Excerpts from the form:

“The Freedom of Information Act allows any person—except fugitives, federal agencies, and foreign intelligence agencies-to request information about organizations, businesses, investigations, historical events, incidents, groups or deceased persons.

Instructions: Please use this form to make FOIA request only,

This form CANNOT be used to make a request about yourself or another living person.

Have questions about FOIA request? Please go to the US Department of Justice Reference Guide.

If your request is for information about another living person , that information is usually not disclosed unless you have obtained the person’s written consent or unless public disclosure is authorized by law. Request for information about another living person should be accompanied by evidence of the subjects consent. Please use the U. S. Department of Justice (Certification of Identity) Form DOJ-361 and complete the section identified as Authorization to Release Information to Another Person.

If you are requesting a copy of your criminal arrest record or a background check, please contact the FBI’s Criminal Justice Services Division (CJIS), Clarksburg, WV. Please follow this link for more information. CJIS Background Check


Categories: Community Activism

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