LFC goes global…Russia says “Het” to Zelensky’s Video Recording

LFC Comments by Brian Massie, citizen journalist

It appears that we have some fans in Russia. According to Google translate “Het”. (pronounced “nyet”) means “no”,

We received the following two messages from someone in Russia.

The first deals with Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky addressing the United Nations via video recording.

The second is concerning the United Nations calling for taxes on oil and gas companies that deal in fossil fuels.

For the record, our position on the UN is this:


Just say “HET” to the United Nations.


Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya said that Moscow is against recording a video message from President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky to the General Assembly (GA) of the organization. His words are quoted by TASS.

The diplomat pointed out that the decision to allow the Ukrainian leader to record such an appeal is contrary to the rules that the UN member states have established.

Nebenzya added that Zelensky travels around Ukraine and visits the regions of the country, but cannot come to the meeting of the General Assembly.

“If you cannot come, then send your representative who will speak at the General Assembly. This is another violation. Of course, we do not support this decision,” the permanent representative of Russia said.


September 16, 2022


United Nations (UN) Secretary-General António Guterres has called on all countries to impose taxes on the excess profits of oil and gas companies that they receive due to high prices for fossil fuels, RIA Novosti reports.

“I strongly recommend that governments levy taxes on these exceptional incomes,” the head of the international organization said.

The situation, in which oil and gas companies have the highest profits in history, and people around the world are forced to pay huge amounts of money for electricity and fuel, is completely unacceptable, he said. Guterres also added that he is aware that stabilizing energy markets will be an elusive goal.

Earlier, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said that the risks to Russia from Western sanctions aimed at expelling them from their usual markets remain, they should be taken into account in the budget. He noted that the West failed to exclude Russia from the global economy, but it is not going to abandon its plans, so the corresponding risks remain.


September 15, 2022






Categories: World News


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