“Gender Affirming Care”

By Milford, Ohio Lobbyist


"For the love of money is the root of all sorts of evil."
1 Timothy 6:10 

But what is worse is the willingness of many medical "professionals" to remain silent on irreversible breast and genital surgical mutilation and chemical castration (via "puberty blockers" which thwart normal physical development).

A medical professional connected to a corporate practice, hospital, or who is a captive of insurance company mandates or state medical boards is loathe to "make waves" for fear of losing an ability to make a living in their chosen profession.

The Bible calls for all of us to choose Truth over falsehood or delusion and the good of others (especially children) over our own. As Holocaust survivor Victor Frankel wrote, we always have a choice.

The time to stand for TRUTH and children is NOW.



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