They are attacking the children and destroying the family structure

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

Thanks to our Painesville Lobbyist for sending this article to us. It is quite obvious that the corrupt and immoral Biden regime and their Department of Education’s useful idiots have their sights on destroying our public education system. One of Donald Trump’s first actions, when he is elected in 2024, is to heed the recommendation of his former Secretary of Education Betsy Devos:

“I personally think the Department of Education should not exist,” Devos told the mostly conservative crowd in Tampa, Fla.


Excerpts from the article:

The Regime and their fellow travelers are coming for your children and want to make sure you are kept in the dark.

The Daily Mail on Monday revealed that a group of self-described subversive Midwest educators met online this week for a four-hour workshop. The website viewed a video showing the so-called educators offering ideas on how to help transition children at school without parental knowledge or consent.

The educators harshly criticized efforts by GOP lawmakers to protect children and discussed ways to circumvent these laws. They also used their meeting to push gender ideology garbage and discuss how increase bathroom and sports team access for trans kids.

The teachers belong to a group called the Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center (MAP). Guess who is funding this evil group that wants to mutilate your children behind your back?

It’s Biden’s corrupt Department of “Education” (DOE) and the amount of money is big. MAP has received over $8 million in funding from the DOE and operates across several states, including: Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.




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