Is the Ohio Republican Party About to Change?…Time to Put America First!

Just in case there is a doubt who I support….

Matt Dolan is not “one of us”…he is not an “average citizen” that believes in an America first agenda.

Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall


…………..Mike DeWine…………………….Matt Dolan…………………..Rob Portman………..

Rob Portman and Mike DeWine 


Matt Dolan for US Senate

So it’s all out there in the open. The Battle Lines are drawn right here in Ohio as the dying Republican in Name Only (RINO) Establishment, that has sold out the American People and the Ohio Middle Class for decades, are going to make their stand against the Trump Make America Great Again (MAGA) party base for control of the Republican Party and the US Government. With Trump now taking TOTAL control of the Republican National Committee (RNC), and MAGA making gains in the Ohio Republican State Central Committee, the RINO’s are going all in to protect their power and privilege and to defeat the “evil” Trump and continue to stop the America First Agenda in the US Senate.

After Portman and DeWine have endorsed Dolan, today we will probably see the trifecta with disgraced anti-Trump RINO Traitor and Loser John Kasich endorsing Dolan! See this for what it is, these Dolan endorsements are a call for the Never-Trump college-indoctrinated elites, who are getting rich selling out the working-class American people, to come out and vote next Tuesday for Dolan. It is also a call for the Democrats who elected Portman and DeWine and Kasich to once again cross-over into YOUR Republican Primary next Tuesday, March 19, 2024, to make the November Senate Race a win-win for them by pitting the Marxist Sherrod Brown against the “Portman Like” Dolan. They sure don’t want Trump supporter Bernie Moreno voting for the MAGA Agenda in the US Senate next year!!

The RINO’s/UniParty doesn’t want to take control of the US Senate to help Trump Make America Great Again, they want to take control of the US Senate to STOP TRUMP from draining the swamp; destroying the Deep State; greatly reducing the size of Government; restoring the Rule of Law; and restoring Representative Government. The RINO’s are trying to build a firewall here in Ohio to STOP TRUMP from implementing OUR America First agenda!

So what are you going to do, Patriots??? Once again the fate of the nation rests in the hands of Ohio voters! If YOU and We don’t Turn Out in MASSIVE NUMBERS on Tuesday, the RINO’s/Dems are going to win. They are going to succeed in checking Trump and the Make America Great Again agenda in the US Senate. We can not allow that to happen and it is within our power to STOP THEM!

Click this link to make your reservation to attend the Trump rally for Moreno in Dayton on Saturday at 4:00 PM or watch it on TV to get FIRED UP! Most importantly – STARTING RIGHT NOW – share this email with EVERYONE you know and talk to EVERYONE to make sure that they turn out and VOTE ON TUESDAY for Bernie Moreno for Senate.

For Liberty,

Tom Zawistowski


We the People Convention




Categories: State of Ohio


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