Is Central Bank Digital Currency in Our Future?

Very important message that describes some of the dangers of CBDC....Linda Goudsmit

Linda Goudsmit / March 19, 2024

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VERY important message that describes some of the dangers of CBDC. 

People think that bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies will protect them – they can’t. Once the U.S. government adopts its own CBDC for domestic and international trade, any other cryptocurrency is black market currency which will ultimately be eliminated or controlled by the same globalist elite who devised America’s CBDC. Why do I say this? Because the centralization of power is incremental and continues incrementally. Whatever cryptocurrency is ultimately adopted by the globalist elite will become the world currency in its planetary managerial Unistate, anything else is a competing currency, and the technocrats who control the Internet will simply eliminate it with their technology. 

Whoever controls the science and technology controls the world. Cryprocurrencies are technological constructs without any intrinsic value outside of what the globalist elite assigns to them. The difference between two farmers trading two donkeys for two cows and cryptocurrencies is that donkeys and cows are real property owned by real farmers who can control the value of the exchange. Cryptocurrency has only a virtual existence in virtual reality. It is a complete rejection of the supply/demand, profit/loss, capitalist monetary system. Instead, cryptocurrency is the consummate behavior chart controlled by a central government to exact totalitarian compliance and conformity from the world population. Cashless currency is a colossal humanitarian hoax that makes human survival a matter of compliance with its behavioral and attitudinal edicts. It is ultimately revolution without bullets and a worldwide coup d’ état without need for guns or violence. Human survival makes it so.   


By LawyerLisa / March 19, 2024

USA READERS PLEASE PAY ATTENTION: Expiration on your currency? if your currency expires it prevents wealth. It is the ultimate theft. I write now but soon they will have us trading in onions and bibles, or classic literature we were able to save in our attics.

A CBDC can even put an “expiration date” on funds, forcing people to spend money or the government simply takes it away. The Chinese Communist Party has already issued its CBDC, called the digital yuan, and uses it as part of its social credit score that regulates people at home and around the world.

Furthermore, when the government is your direct bank, it can withhold home loans, auto financing, and other fiscal instruments, not because of your credit, but because of your political inclinations or your poor social score for not supporting green initiatives and progressive ideals.

If you want to buy a gas vehicle rather than an EV, you could be blocked. If you want to buy a handgun, your transaction could be halted.CBDC allows the government to individually monitor and control your purchases — and even your contributions.

Some members of Congress are alarmed by this shocking attempt to rob Americans of their most basic privacy. Rep. Tom Emmers (R-MN) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) have filed HR 1122 and S 887 respectively, to stop this federal power grab.” PLEASE CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TO SUPPORT THESE BILLS ASAP“

As the Federal Reserve continues its study of central bank digital currencies, one thing has become clear — CBDCs pose a clear threat to Americans’ financial independence. Rather than following the lead of oppressive regimes like China and Russia, we should dramatically decrease the federal government’s involvement in personal finances and look to the free market to guide the way regarding innovation.

That’s why I’m proud to support Congressman Emmer’s CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act which prevents the issuance of a retail CBDC and ensures the Fed stays within its statutory bounds,” said HR 1122 co-sponsor Byron Donalds (FL-80).Rep. Warren Davidson said, “A retail CBDC would essentially allow the government to mediate all transactions, which would mirror what we see in China. It’s vital to ensure this does not happen here.”

Sen. Cruz said, “The federal government has no authority to unilaterally establish a central bank currency. This bill goes a long way in making sure big government doesn’t attempt to centralize or control cryptocurrency.”READ MORE AND GET HIS EMAILS


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