Open Government Advocates Files Lawsuit Against the Lake County Budget Commission

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall, Populist

Well it looks like Mr. Brian Ames is shedding the Mr. Nice Guy image. He has filed an amended complaint for injunctive relief and mandamus against the Lake County Budget Commission, Christopher Galloway, Charles Coulson, and Michael Zuren.

Mr. Ames contends, among many other charges, that the Budget Commission failed to provide notice of its meetings to the public. There was not public record of the committee’s meetings, discussions, decisions, thereby violating transparency requirements mandated by law.

Here is the complete document filed with the Lake County Court of Common Pleas:

The only question left is will a party with standing file a motion to intervene in this lawsuit.

Stay tuned, this is far from over.

Categories: Lake County - General, Lake County Politics


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