Take a Journey with Me Through the Lake County Auditor’s Informal Hearing Process

Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

Average Citizen, Populist

Like everyone in Lake County, we received the results of our sexennial revaluation. I decided to file for an informal hearing with the Auditor’s appraisal staff. I thought it may be helpful for other citizens to observe what I experienced during the 1/2 hour review.

If you want to get additional information about your property values go to this website:

Here is the link to the Auditor’s website to download or complete the forms.

You will need to complete the DTE 1 form for home owners’ “Complaint Against the Valuation of Real Property”. If you cannot complete the form our helpful Auditor’s office can help you complete it in their office. Here is my completed DTE.

You will receive a call to set-up an appointment with the appraisers. You will have to act quickly to schedule an appointment because time is running out for the informal process. The formal process with a review committee will start in January, 2025.

The hearing room is in the basement of the old administration building. It is across the hall from the Recorder’s office.

Here is a video below of yours truly at the informal hearing.

My complaints stem from paying on “unrealized gains”. If I built the home for $400,000 or bought for the home for $400,000, that should be my market value until the house is resold. That will fall on deaf ears with the appraisers because the State believes they have the right to increase values arbitrarily because of current market conditions.

My second complaint was the fact that the County had listed my square footage of my basement incorrectly. They stated that was my fault because I should have been more diligent in reviewing the information sent to me or posted on-line.

The third complaint was that they had listed my basement as an in-law suite, which it was not.

What was very sad to me was when I was told that the Auditor’s office has received anonymous tips from people tattling on their neighbors that have made improvements in their home.

The commandment “Love thy Neighbor” is merely a suggestion to many people.



If you want to join growing statewide movement to change our property tax system, please provide your contact information at:


Losing the American Dream


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