
Florida Lawmakers Do Not Protect Free Speech

“Many doctors told The Epoch Times the measure was needed because throughout the pandemic they’ve faced backlash—including investigations leading to the possible stripping of their medical licenses—for sharing opinions on vaccines, the wearing of masks, or for advocating for off-label use of medications, such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.”

Six Republicans vote with Democrats on LGBTQ Legislation

“The U.S. House Bill, adopted by Democrats, will prosecute foreign opponents of the LGBTQ lifestyle. Wording in the bill will explicitly allow for persecution of anyone who disagrees with such radical life choices.”
“In the GRA, the U.S. Federal government will have the power to deny human rights to anyone who does not espouse these radical lifestyle choices. The bill will compel citizens to denounce values and traditions and acknowledge LGBTQ beliefs as moral.”

Florida Hospital Immunity Bill

“The staggering corruption is a public health menace. In fact, the only way out of the current public Covid health crisis is to DE-INDEMNIFY pharmaceutical companies so that they have to perform the same required safety studies and due diligence for vaccines, that is required for other pharmaceutical products.”…Linda Goudsmit

Four RINOs have no shame!

“More evidence that RINOs tied to China will vote to protect China’s interests, and their personal investment interests in China, instead of American interests. The swamp must be drained on both sides of the aisle from top to bottom.”…Linda Goudsmit