CHAPTER 17: Cultural Terrorism Comes to America

“The sexual revolution drastically changed attitudes about sexual behavior and freedom of sexual expression. Those changes were animated, echoed, and reflected in literature, films, and legislation. Eventually the counterculture attitudes of sexual freedom and liberation from traditional Judeo-Christian sexual restrictions touched the children.”…Linda Goudsmit

CHAPTER 16: Ideological Invasion

“Instead of embracing individualism and the separation of powers that distinguish our constitutional republic, Frankfurt School émigrés continued to advance their collectivist ideology with religious fanaticism, missionary zeal, and the hubris characteristic of supremacist ideologues.”…Linda Goudsmit

Subversion in Public Schools

“”The campaign against America, for example, was to encourage mass immigration in order to dilute national identity, to stimulate and exacerbate racial arguments, to attack, through law and media propaganda, any distinction between the genders, and to prematurely awaken lustful sexual appetites among young children by introducing pornography into school curricula…” John Taylor Gatto