Linda Goudsmit

Writings by Linda

K-12 Hope and Hopelessness

Linda Goudsmit weighs in on Bruce Deitrick Price’s great article on public education.

“The deterioration of American education and student performance, including basic skills and foundational knowledge, has been documented since Jimmy Carter established the Department of Education in 1971. “…Linda Goudsmit

Who Do You Trust?

“What I understand now is the UN is and always was the brainchild of globalists, and the instrument to facilitate and impose the NWO. Since its inception, the megalomaniacs seeking one-world government have increased their power and influence, and we are currently at the tipping point. “…Linda Goudsmit

Putin vs. Zelenskyy Not What It Seems

‘The NWO is a feudal system with a feudal infrastructure. At the tip of the pyramid are the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and British Royals. Putin will be rewarded with reunification of the USSR – his personal ambition. Feudalism cannot work without feudal lords and fiefdoms.”…Linda Goudsmit

Gene Therapy Marketed As Vaccines

““I always like to say: if we had surveyed two years ago in the public – ‘would you be willing to take a gene or cell therapy and inject it into your body?’ – we probably would have had a 95% refusal rate,” he said, adding, “I think this pandemic has opened many people’s eyes to innovation.”

Florida Lawmakers Do Not Protect Free Speech

“Many doctors told The Epoch Times the measure was needed because throughout the pandemic they’ve faced backlash—including investigations leading to the possible stripping of their medical licenses—for sharing opinions on vaccines, the wearing of masks, or for advocating for off-label use of medications, such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.”

Florida Hospital Immunity Bill

“The staggering corruption is a public health menace. In fact, the only way out of the current public Covid health crisis is to DE-INDEMNIFY pharmaceutical companies so that they have to perform the same required safety studies and due diligence for vaccines, that is required for other pharmaceutical products.”…Linda Goudsmit

Four RINOs have no shame!

“More evidence that RINOs tied to China will vote to protect China’s interests, and their personal investment interests in China, instead of American interests. The swamp must be drained on both sides of the aisle from top to bottom.”…Linda Goudsmit

Open Letter to Canadian Truckers

“The managerial state cannot be imposed without the cooperation of physicians1341
It is my opinion that Dr. Robert Malone has grappled with his cognitive dissonance, confronted his disillusionment with the medical community, and come out swinging in defense of truth, liberty, and freedom!”…Linda Goudsmit