WHO International Pandemic Regulations

LFC Comments: Thanks to Linda Goudsmit for sending us this article.



May 16, 2022

Horowitz: States must pre-emptively nullify any WHO international pandemic regulations

Daniel Horowitz

“And now is a time when things are shifting. We’re going to — there’s going to be a new world order out there, and we’ve got to lead it. And we’ve got to unite the rest of the free world in doing it.” ~Joe Biden, March 21, 2022

Any Republican running for any office this year without mentioning his intent to fight the global pandemic treaty or regulations may as well run as a Democrat. In the past, odious global agreements threatened our national sovereignty. This one will quite literally abrogate our individual sovereignty as human beings and make us all lab rats in the hands of wicked global elite oligarchs. 

On May 22, the World Health Assembly, the governing body of the World Health Organization, will meet in Geneva, Switzerland, to discuss the next step in its nefarious pandemic treaty and the quest to use “public health” to expand the WHO’s power over sovereign states. Representatives from 193 nations, including the U.S, will be attending. Interestingly, the only country not invited is Taiwan, of course, at the behest of its Chinese puppet masters. What is the nature of this pandemic treaty agenda?

On Jan. 24, 2022, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the WHO, explained the treaty was a “priority” to “urgently strengthen WHO as the leading and directing authority on global health, at the center of the global health architecture.” In chilling words he laid out the guiding principle of this wicked plot. “We all want a world in which science triumphs over misinformation; solidarity triumphs over division; and equity is a reality, not an aspiration,” he added. He concluded, “We are one world, we have one health, we are one WHO.”

Until now, the Biden administration appeared awfully quiet about this treaty, unlike some of the other recent international climate treaties about which officials have been quite vocal. However, it has come to light that several months ago, the Biden administration quietly sent the WHO several amendments to a 2005 international health regulation to be considered at the May 22 meeting about the treaty. At the time, the White House never issued an official statement or held a press conference. The draft was not made public until mid-April. 

What is the nature of these amendments? They would essentially allow the director-general of the WHO to declare a public health emergency in a country and unilaterally coerce its citizens to take certain actions. The proposed amendment deletes a critical sentence from Article 9 of the 2005 International Health Regulations: “WHO shall consult with and attempt to obtain verification from the State Party in whose territory the event is allegedly occurring…”

Article 9: Other Reports

  1. WHO may take into account reports from sources other than notifications or consultations and shall assess these reports according to established epidemiological principles and then communicate information on the event to the State Party in whose territory the event is allegedly occurring.  Before taking any action based on such reports, WHO shall consult with and attempt to obtain verification from the State Party in whose territory the event is allegedly occurring in accordance with the procedure set forth in Article 10.  To this end, WHO shall make the information received available to the States Parties and only where it is duly justified may WHO maintain the confidentiality of the source.  This information will be used in accordance with the procedure set forth in Article 11.

What could be the benign reason for the Biden administration erasing an existing requirement that the WHO first consult with the government of that particular country before making a determination? If there was any doubt about the motivations of these amendments and the direction in which they want to take our sovereignty, look at the next proposed change:

4.  If the State Party does not accept the offer of collaboration within 48 hours, WHO shall may, when justified by the magnitude of the public health risk, immediately share with other State Parties the information available to it, whilst encouraging the Sate Party to accept the office of collaboration by WHO, taking into account the views of the State Party concerned.

The Biden administration wants all the emergency declarations to be mandatory and cut out all views of the concerned state. 

The amendments are also designed to truncate the period of time for approving this travesty. The current WHO regulations provide for an 18-month grace period during which a nation may withdraw its “yes” vote for the amendments. The Biden administration draft proposal would truncate that period to just six months. 

There are numerous other additions proposed to the 2005 regulation that strengthen the hand of the director-general, as well as the creation of a new compliance committee that can be used to bully states that don’t cooperate. Under the proposed amendments, the WHO would be tasked with developing an “early warning criteria for assessing and progressively updating the national, regional, or global risk posed by an event of unknown causes or sources …” Unknown causes could encompass anything under the sun.

The salient fact here is that rather than publicly supporting a new pandemic treaty, the Biden administration is trying to use the global momentum for such a treaty to strengthen existing regulations the U.S. already signed on to. The administration will never get 67 votes in the Senate to ratify a formal treaty of this nature. So they are seeking an end run around the Treaty Clause of the Constitution by strengthening this existing agreement.

In a memo from the U.S. Mission to International Organizations in Geneva, the Biden administration lists 20 countries plus the 27-member European Union as supporting the amendments. Those 20 countries are: Albania, Australia, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, India, Jamaica, Japan, Monaco, Montenegro, Norway, Peru, Republic of Korea, Switzerland, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Uruguay. 

The solution is very simple. Every Republican running for state or local office must pledge to pass a resolution pre-emptively declaring these regulations null and void. Only something ratified by 67 senators has the force of law. Any international hocus-pocus is dead on arrival. 

Notice how the Biden administration just held a “global Covid summit,” in which they all unanimously warned about the really bad pandemic this fall that will be worse than what we experienced.


They are clearly grooming the public to accept a Shanghai-style concentration camp created by the global governments. China is gaslighting an even more severe response to what officials seem to know is “coming” next, just as they did in January 2020 in Wuhan.

Now is the time to nip the shoots of arbitrary tyrannical powers in the bud before they blossom. Congressional Republicans must commit to blocking all of the WHO’s funding in this upcoming budget bill. State legislatures must be ready to convene and prohibit – and even criminalize – the implementation of any international standard on pandemics. It’s also time for Congressional Republicans to create a joint committee along with representatives from each state legislature to investigate which entities were behind the original pandemic. It would certainly shed light on those who seem to have foresight about the next one. If we are still complacent this time around, after everything we’ve learned and experienced the past two years, we deserve the fate that awaits us.



Linda Goudsmit – May 17, 2022

website: http://lindagoudsmit.com

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