Linda Goudsmit

Writings by Linda

The Freedom to Think…Like Us

Biden’s ascension to the presidency has institutionalized the cancel culture movement. But that’s not all. The foolish cancel culture devotees are participating in their own destruction. There is no place for dissent in the globalist plan for planetary governance.
…Linda Goudsmit

President Trump Supporters Are Not Domestic Terrorists

Trump supporters are overwhelmingly constitutionalists who want to preserve the United States of America as a constitutional republic. Trump supporters embrace American principles of equality and individual rights. Trump supporters reject the tyranny of globalism, socialism, Marxism, Chinese communism, and political corruption on both sides of the aisle that continue to weaken our country. Trump supporters are patriots, not insurrectionists or supremacists

The Odd Couple…

The Odd Couple: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris by Linda GoudsmitOctober 27, 2020 We all know couples whose attraction to each other is confounding. We wonder, what do they see in each other? How do they find each other… Read More ›

Silent Killers of a Nation

Why Cancer is Called a Silent Killer by Linda GoudsmitOctober 11, 2020 Cancer has been called a silent killer because it kills its victims gradually without causing serious or alarming symptoms in the early stages. Cancer is not the… Read More ›

The Color Revolution Hoax

Color Revolutions are Not About Color by Linda GoudsmitSeptember 10, 2020 [LFC Comments: We salute Linda’s latest effort to educate Americans about what is really happening to our great country. We are at war, and is only going to… Read More ›

Linda Goudsmit…right on target

[LFC Comments:  Linda Goudsmit is “on target” again when she is interviewed by Joan Swirsky.  Her keen insight on America’s problem is greatly admired by LFC.  Please take the time to read her answers to Joan’s questions.] Excerpts… Read More ›