Trump versus Biden…vast differences on policies…updated 10/12/20

[LFC Comments: Mr. Chuck Laughlin, former Executive Director of the Lake County Liberty Coalition, provides his recommendations on our choices that on the November 3rd ballot. One would think that after 47 years in public office a presidential candidate would be able to demonstrate how he has helped his country.]


2020 General Election – Comments and Recommendations

Written by Chuck Laughlin…Concord Township…October 11, 2020

Note: My recommendations are at the end if you want to skip over the comments.

It seems like every four years we hear that this is the most important presidential election of our lifetime.  And that is true…up to the time that the statement is made.  And this year is no exception.  It absolutely is the most important presidential election of our lifetime to this point. 

Every four years we, the people, have the privilege and responsibility to not only elect a president, but also the congressmen and senators who will ultimately work with (or against) the president.  The two major party presidential candidates have offered us a choice between two forks in the road.  The direction of those forks has generally been quite different but never with the stark difference that we have this year.  It is crucially important for us, as voters, to understand this difference and the place to which each fork leads. 

One can get a good indication of where a candidate stands based upon the groups that endorse him.

Here is a listing of Biden’s endorsements:, National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League (NARAL), National Education Association (NEA), National Organization for Women (NOW), Planned Parenthood, and the Sierra Club.

If these are organizations that align well with your values, then Biden is your candidate.

Trump’s endorsements include the Fraternal Order of Police, National Right to Life, and the National Rifle Association – Political Victory Fund. 

If you like law and order, respect for the dignity of human life, and support for the second amendment, then Trump is your candidate.

Another indication of where a candidate stands is what he actually did in office with respect to what he promised.  President Trump has a long list of promises made and promises kept.  

He has:

  • Built up the military while also pulling us out of areas where we ought not be.
  • Made NATO’s allies pay their fair share for their own support.
  • Focused attention on China’s record of imperial ambitions, human rights abuses, and their role in the spread of the coronavirus.
  • Improved the economy – prior to COVID, the lowest unemployment rates for many groups including minorities and cut taxes for individuals and businesses
  • Appointed judges to federal courts and justices to the Supreme Court that will uphold the Constitution rather than legislate from the bench
  • Implemented prison reform
  • Moved the US embassy to Jerusalem
  • Cut regulations
  • Cut back illegal immigration and continues to build the wall on the Mexican American border
  • Pulled us out of bad trade deals (NAFTA and the Asia Pacific trade deal)
  • Pulled us out of the Kyoto climate change deal
  • First sitting president to speak in person at the Right to Life march in Washington
  • Eliminated, to the extent permissible by the executive branch, tax payer supported abortion
  • Supported religious freedom
  • Supports school choice
  • Ended the individual mandate in ObamaCare
  • Opposed teaching of “critical race theory” and the 1619 Project

Biden, based upon his statements in the primary election and elsewhere:

  • Supports the Green New Deal
  • Supports taxpayer supported abortion on demand
  • Supports raising taxes
  • Supports cutting back religious freedom
  • Supports ending personal gun ownership
  • Supports ending school choice
  • Supports open borders
  • Supports Medicare for all including for illegal immigrants
  • Supports packing the Supreme Court to rubber stamp liberal causes regardless of the Constitution
  • Supports cutting back on the military
  • Making Washington DC the 51st state (and thereby produce two additional Democrat senators)
  • Making Puerto Rico the 52nd state (adding two more Democrat senators to swing the balance of the Senate)
  • Supports eliminating the Electoral College and replacing it with a national popular vote

Obviously, the candidates have two very differing views of what America should look like.  There is additional information (not very well publicized in the mainstream media) regarding the positions that a Biden administration would take.  Those views are expressed in a 110 page document entitled the “Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Recommendations.”

Here are some excerpts from that document which is available on line.

  • Climate change is a global emergency
  • Democrats commit to eliminating carbon pollution from power plants by 2035
  • Immediately rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement, including the Green Climate Fund
  • Democrats believe we must…reimagine policing for the benefit and safety of the American people
  • We will also act to ensure that victims of federal, state, or local law enforcement abuses of power can seek justice through civil litigation by reining in the doctrine of qualified immunity to increase police accountability
  • Democrats will decriminalize marijuana use

And that is only through the first 10 pages.

My recommendations are based upon the need to elect Republicans if for no other reason than they aren’t Democrats.  Lest I offend some individual Democrats, I must distinguish between individual Democrat voters and Democrat party leadership.  Individual Democrat voters can hold to a variety of positions and still vote for a Democrat.  However, the Democrat party leadership is very clearly sold out to liberal, socialist, and in some cases Marxist positions.  This is not your grandfather’s Democrat party.

You can get your Republican slate card on line by going to

You can also get more information at including a listing of endorsements and copies of the Democrat and Republican party platforms.

Focus on the Family and Ohio Christian Alliance have also produced voter guides which are available at and, respectively.

If you are a Christian, I strongly recommend that you see which candidates/parties best align with your values. 

2020 General Election


(Recommendations are for contested offices only)

For All Ohio Voters


Donald J. Trump  (absolutely the only choice; any other would be a disaster: Trump is right on abortion, immigration, military, taxes, economy, regulations, “climate change” hoax, foreign policy, Israel, Supreme Court and federal judge appointments, religious freedom, etc.)

Justice of the Supreme Court (Ohio) (commencing 1/1/21)

Sharon L. Kennedy  (it is imperative that the court not have a liberal majority; Kennedy is not a Democrat liberal and needs to be retained; we don’t want to have what happened in Pennsylvania where the state Supreme Court arbitrarily changed the voting requirements – they have five Democrats and two Republicans on the court)

Justice of the Supreme Court (Ohio) (commencing 1/2/21)

Judi French  (same as above; it is imperative that the court not have a liberal majority; French is not a Democrat liberal and needs to be retained)

For Lake County Voters

Note: For Lake County voters some of the districts for state offices include only portions of Lake County.  Your particular ballot will not include all the candidates/offices listed below.


David P. Joyce  (the better of two only because the other is a Democrat; but have to vote for Joyce to try to regain control of the House and remove Nancy Pelosi from the Speaker of the House position; you might need to hold your nose on this one)

County Commissioner (commencing 1/2/21)

Jason A. Wuliger  (because he isn’t a Democrat)

County Commissioner (commencing 1/3/21)

John R. Hamercheck  (clearly the better candidate; he is pro-life, his opponent is not; his opponent has a record in the Ohio House of being very embedded in the Democrat party; Hamercheck has proven to be an individual who tends to stand for what is right even if it doesn’t line up with other Republicans; Hamercheck deserves a second term)

County Auditor

Christopher A. Galloway (because he isn’t a Democrat)

Clerk of Court for Common Pleas

Faith Andrews  (Andrews is not an establishment politician; actually she is not a politician at all; this is an opportunity to put in place a non-establishment candidate into public office)

County Recorder

Becky Lynch  (Lynch has performed well in her first term; no need to change)

County Treasurer

Michael Zuren (because he isn’t a Democrat)

Judge of Court of Appeals (11th district) commencing 2/9/21

Matt Lynch  (this is a no brainer; Lynch needs to be retained; he has a common sense, originalist perspective on the law; good values; good character; clearly the only choice)

Judge of Court of Appeals (11th district) commencing 2/10/21

Sarah Thomas Kovoor (she comes recommended by Matt Lynch; if she and Matt are elected, it has the potential to swing the 11th District Court of Appeals from a 4 to 1 Democrat advantage to a 3 to 2 Republican majority)

State Senator (18th District)

Jerry Cirino (because he isn’t a Democrat)

State Representative (60th District)

George M. Phillips (because he isn’t a Democrat)

State Representative (61st District)

Jamie Callender (because he isn’t a Democrat)

Member of State Board of Education (11th District)

Rocky Neale (because he isn’t a Democrat)

For Concord Township Voters

Proposed Bond Issue

NO!  (this calls for a bond issue for building two new fire stations, one at exorbitant cost; the funds are already present to replace one fire station; this should be done and then determine what is really needed for the second one)

For Mentor Voters

Issue 1 Mentor Proposed Ordinance:

Shall ADA accessible boardwalk, observation deck, and observation tower at Mentor Lagoons be approved?

Issue 2 Mentor Proposed Charter Amendment:

This deals with changing what requires voter approval for the Mentor Lagoons.

Issue 3 Mentor Local Option – Sunday Sales in precinct 2B:

Can the sale of wine and mixed beverages be permitted on Sunday at the Get Go on the corner of Kelly Drive and Center Street?

Issue 4 Mentor Local Option – Sunday Sales in precinct 2B:

Can the sale of wine and mixed beverages be permitted on Sunday at the grocery store at 8383 Tyler Boulevard?

Comment: On issues about which I know little to nothing, I usually vote no.


Categories: Free Speech Zone

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