Antifa Honing the Surveillance Skills…where is Biden Administration?

Written for LFC by On Behalf Of Liberty:

Below are some current “news” updates.  Utilities are being targeted for mass disruption, the “peaceful” Left is planning on heading to the Suburbs and there is increased use of tech to become more effective at terrorizing you.  

My analysis and thoughts right after these highlights: 

Hackers seize control of Florida water treatment plant

Internet hackers recently breached the industrial control system of a water treatment facility that supplies approximately 15,000 residents of Oldsmar, Florida north of Tampa. After gaining access to software known as TeamViewer, hackers attempted to increase the amount of  sodium hydroxide, commonly known as lye, to dangerously high levels.

Plant employees monitoring the systems reported unauthorized access and activity on controller screens, “clicking around and opening programs and manipulating the system.” No suspects have been identified, but the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Secret Service are assisting the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Department’s investigation into the breach. 

(AC: The motive for this attack is unclear, however, terrorist groups and nation-states have targeted U.S. critical infrastructure since at least 2013, when Iranian-backed hackers targeted a small dam in upstate New York. TeamViewer reports that its software, which enables remote tech support, is currently installed on approximately 2.5 billion devices worldwide. Given the proliferation of this type of software, industrial control systems in America are likely to remain vulnerable to external manipulation. – M.B.)


Leftist revolutionary groups renew calls for movement into the suburbs

The southern California chapter of the Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM) collaborated with other Leftists to publish a new propaganda piece entitled “Anarchy in the ‘Burbs.”

In the document, authors identify suburbs and smaller cities as the new frontier “for looting, for attacking the police, and for spreading the geography of the uprising.” They specifically identified the Inland Empire area — San Bernardino, Riverside, Victorville, for example — as the “new sites of struggle.”

They provided specific intelligence highlights from 2020 for different cities in the area including the presence of white supremacists, Trump supporters, armed citizens, and lackluster law enforcement responses. 

(AC: We’re observing multiple groups proposing the establishment of anarchist hubs in suburban areas and smaller cities. This movement is largely inspired by the success of Far Left riots in cities such as Kenosha, Wisconsin and Ferguson, Missouri. Moving out of dense metropolitan areas into smaller cities is based on tactical considerations as well as a likely attempt to avoid isolation. – M.B.)

Portland antifascists tracking police union employees, lawyers, mayor 

Rose City Counter-Info — a group providing intelligence support and propaganda for Rose City Antifa — provided a recent update that the Portland Police Association (PPA) has not relocated its headquarters, despite the rumors.

They supported this conclusion by tracking the movement of PPA attorneys and members within the city, spotting their privately owned vehicles, observing the installation of security systems, and noting the level of foot traffic at the PPA building.

In addition, other Portland-area antifascists are posting updated locations and activity of Mayor Ted Wheeler, including who he is dating, as well as meeting times and locations. 

(AC: In late 2020, we reported that Portland antifascists were discussing tracking and reporting on the movement of police officers while off duty. This would be a considerable undertaking, requiring a significant amount of manpower and resources. They have chosen to begin with the surveillance of PPA workers and facilities — a notably smaller target. These updates frequently reference a network of scouts, or “crows,” that are monitoring police facilities, following PPA workers, and conducting digital surveillance of relevant online records databases. This indicates that in Portland, the Far Left’s intelligence gathering network is becoming increasingly capable and experienced, which could support more labor intensive operations in the future. – M.B.)


OBOL analysis:

  1. Note that the water hack was in Florida, which is one of the first states to publicly push unmasking.  Also, it seems to be a stable county that went to Trump in ’16 and is in Rubio’s district.  Coincidences?  
  2. There have been several derailment attacks on railroads as well over the last few months.  We will see more attempts to disrupt utilities and travel as they search to create a large incident that they can use to spark a crackdown.
  3. Begin to watch for disruptions and attacks near you.  Here is one way to prepare in advance: 

Matthew 7:14 – Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.  

Turn this Scripture into a Survival Tip – When the bullets start flying, don’t follow the herd!  The buffalo were prone to panic and to run blindly, “following the herd,” so the Indians used that against them to send them over the cliffs.  The human “herd” pushes each other into fatal funnels and blocks the doors so that people in the front can’t open them to relieve the pressure.  

The human “herd” has been known to trample people or jam them in so tight that people are smothered and then compacted together so much that their bodies are held upright.  When trouble starts, find a corner, BREATH, ASSESS and THINK.  Look for exits that people aren’t using.  Better yet, think through your exit in advance and know where you will go.  Preplan the exit, such as through the kitchen, or other route than the one that everyone came in through, that you and your family will use.  Most likely, as soon as the herd panics, they will run for the same door that most people came in through, so avoid that option. 

God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of a Sound Mind!

On Behalf of Liberty
John 8:32 – And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.


Categories: National News, Uncategorized


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