Gender Confusion Indoctrination in Public Schools

Linda Harvey
February 2021 ed. 02

School Reading Event Normalizes “Transgender” Behavior

“Jazz & Friends” promotes deviance to small children

The boy who calls himself Jazz Jennings reads to impressionable childrenParents, be alert for a gender confusion indoctrination event planned in some schools and libraries. It’s the “Jazz & Friends National Day of School and Community Readings” which is being held on Thursday, February 25 or thereabouts.

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The event promotes pro-homosexual/ pro-transgender books for elementary age children, books like “I am Jazz,” “When Aidan Became a Brother,” and “My Rainbow.”

This is a clearly inappropriate event normalizing deviant, dangerous behavior. If you find out your school or library is holding this exploitative event, be sure to speak out and say, NO.  


Categories: Education, Free Speech Zone

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