American Rescue Plan 2021 Dooms Americans on Fixed Incomes

Linda Goudsmit offers her opinion on the American Rescue Plan of 2021:

The Democrats just passed their colossal, socialist, blue state bailout deceitfully labeled, The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. The only thing the Democrats are rescuing is themselves. While the collaborating mainstream media focuses public attention on corona cash payments to American citizens, they fail to mention illegal immigrants are eligible to receive payments, and the bankrupt blue cities and states will be bailed out by red state taxpayers. This is an enormous transfer of wealth from working American taxpayers to fund the bankrupting socialist policies of the radical leftist Democrat cities and states. Welcome to the Biden/Pelosi centralized Democrat control of the socialized states of America. 


The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 only stimulates the growth of dependence and communism

Charles Wills image

By Charles Wills ——–February 27, 2021

Excerpts from the article:

Last night, House Democrats passed their $1.9 trillion bailout package, that they say will stimulate the economy. However, the 591 page Coronavirus Relief Bill (American Rescue Plan Act of 2021) has more pork in it than Smithfield Pork Products produces in 10 years. I just barely skimmed over the phony covid relief bill and found bailouts for Democrat states and cities and money for their friends and pet projects.

There’s even $130 billion for colleges and teachers’ unions. In fact, the bill will bail out mismanaged union retirement accounts. None of the aforementioned spending will help the economy or the people hurt by the government’s forced shutdown, but that’s not all.




Marxist media swept under the rug:  Illegal immigrants with children are also eligible to receive the $1400 stimulus check.

However, all working Americans, those left with a job, will have to pick up the entire tab through higher taxes. On top of that, the astronomical amount of debt the bill created will cause the dollar to lose its value, in purchasing power. The astronomical debt increase will eventually cause hyper-inflation, and the minimum wage increase, if Democrats are able to keep it in the bill, will only hasten the collapse of the dollar.


[LFC Comments: The loss of the dollar’s purchasing power, hyper-inflation and the ever-increasing property taxes, will spell disaster for those living on fixed incomes.]




Categories: Contributors, National News, Uncategorized


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