Memorial Day…A Time to Remember


From Executive Director, Tom Hach at Free Ohio Now (

One of the phrases which has always resonated with me is:  ‘All gave some; some gave all.’  Veteran’s Day is for the ‘All gave some,’ and Memorial Day is for the ‘Some gave all.’  While I believe all the men and women who have served our country in uniform, past and present, would want us to enjoy the long weekend, it is incumbent upon us to recognize those of them who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

Without their willingness to risk it all, freedom and liberty would long ago have perished from this earth.  So this weekend, please attend a Memorial Day Parade or at least take a few moments to honor the memory of those who went before to preserve our freedom and our way of life.   

On this occasion, I would also like to share an article I wrote about my grandfather and his two brothers regarding their experiences during WWII and lessons we can apply to today: In my family, there are now four generations in a row which served in the military. My maternal grandfather and his two brothers served in WWII, my father served in the Marine Corps in the late 1950’s. I retired from the Navy Reserve in the late 2000’s, and my son joined the Navy in December, 2019. My grandfather’s generation is now gone, but their experience serving the country is worthy of being recounted to this generation….. the whole article can be found here.




Categories: Local News, Uncategorized


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