Mission America Alert…Gay agenda coming for your children

Mission America Alert

By:Linda Harvey
Mission America / July 11, 2021


San Francisco Men Sing They Will “Convert” Your Children

To view this awful video— if it hasn’t been removed yet— go

Is it time (sadly) for, we told you so?

By now you have probably heard about the horrendous song published by the San Francisco “gay” chorus, “We Will Convert Your Children.”

No, I am not kidding. The chorus has now removed it from many sites because of tremendous backlash. They are claiming it was meant to be “satire.” Providentially, most Americans refuse to laugh over aggressive intentions to ideologically or sexually corrupt children.

Some of the lyrics were these, quote:

“You think we’re sinful. You fight against our rights, You say we all lead lives you can’t respect. But you’re just frightened, You think that we’ll corrupt your kids, if our agenda goes unchecked. It’s funny, Just this once you’re correct.

“We’ll convert your children, Happens bit by bit, quietly and subtly, And you will barely notice it…”

The good news is that there were thousands of dislikes on YouTube. It’s another case where, very tragically, those of us warning about the dangers of the aggressive “LGBTQ” agenda to children, have been, sadly, correct. I do hope this functions to alert a few more people who have chosen to dismiss the flashing warning signs that have been growing for thirty years.

Either ideologically or sexually, the corruption of the young is a real threat from the “LGBTQ” movement, because in many ways, these activists are telling us themselves it’s one of their cherished goals.

An article from American Thinker tells more:
Go HERE.  


Categories: Free Speech Zone


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