Lake County, Ohio…America Rescue Plan Act Funding

LFC Comments by Brian Massie, Executive Director

The federal government has been creating “monopoly money” to help all levels of government deal with the Covid-19 “plandemic”. In 2021, Lake County received $22 million, and will receive another $22 million in 2022.

They have spent $115,020 to date, and the Lake County Finance Director, Mike Matas, responding to our question, gave us the following information on how the Commissioners spent the money:

“The Commissioners worked with the General Health District to procure the Mobile Medical Clinic in accordance with ARPA guidance.  Among other uses, the Health District is/will be using the van to conduct mobile vaccine clinics in our underserved areas and at community events.  For example, the unit has been placed in the parking lot of our JFS dept. for walk-in vaccines.

Thank you,

Mike Matas


The Commissioners have hired the law firm McDonald, Hopkins to help them better understand the details of ARPA to ensure that all future expenditures are appropriate. LFC will continue to update our readers on the expenditures of this “monopoly money”.

We agree with Auditor Galloway, and hope that the property tax inside millage could be suspended for a while so that citizens would see some much need financial relief. The prolific spending by the federal government is devaluing the savings of citizens, so any help would be beneficial. If inflation continues at its current rate ~7%, or increases to double digit inflation, those on fixed incomes are really going to be negatively impacted.

Here is the statement we received from the Lake County Finance Director:


Categories: Lake, Ohio Counties


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