An Unhappy Reader Shouts Out

LFC Comments by Brian Massie. Executive Director

We received the following comments from somebody named “Meg”. We are not sure if this is his or her real name, or what is his or her preferred pronoun. I will go out on a limb here and say that “he or she or they” did not vote for Trump.


Meg says:

“I find it very funny that all of your articles are written by “contributing writer”. Why don’t you publish the names of the authors?!?! You have no problem posting names and pictures and personal data of people who’s views you disagree with. If you ask me, that makes you and all of your writers COWARDS!! Why not post their names?

You apparently have no issues with calling out people and posting their names which in turn leads to harassment, hate mail and death threats. Not sure how you sleep at night knowing that you are putting lives at risk. I think you should rename your website to HYPOCRITES_AND_BIGOTS_IN_THE_NAME_OF_JESUS.ORG.

And why don’t you allow for comments on your pathetic articles?? You allow the articles to be shared which just allows for more hatred and threats for the people you don’t agree with. You are what’s wrong with the world today.”


Meg, we will try our best to answer your questions.

(1) We try to publish the names of every article, unless the writer wants to remain anonymous., and use “Contributing Writer” because of the WordPress software limitations.

(2) Thank you for your concerns about my sleeping habits. Quite frankly, I have no problem after the Melatonin kicks in.

(3) We, generally, do not allow comments because we have over 500,000 comments since we started, and the overwhelming majority are advertisements, or porn solicitations — Neither of which is sought or appreciated.

(4) Darn, your suggestion for a website name change has already been taken.. Who would have guessed that..?

(5) We do not condone violence of any kind, and we will never bear false witness against anyone. Our mission is to uphold honesty, integrity and transparency in government by exposing the lies, deceptions and betrayals. I know this is a foreign concept in today’s morally bankrupt world.

(6) Meg, you obviously do not like me, or our efforts to educate the citizens of Lake County. If you want to lower your blood pressure and reduce your stress levels, we suggest that you refrain from reading our website, and stop watching the destruction of our country by Biden and the Democrats. I have also heard that yoga and meditation also helps with stress levels.

(7) Regarding my status as being a coward, Meg, I would like you to know that years ago I told my Italian wife that I did not like red sauce. Talk about living on the edge! That took courage!

(8) When I get comments like Meg’s, please remember that if they find me face down in a ditch – it wasn’t suicide!


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