Convention of the States is a Pandora’s Box

LFC Comments by Brian Massie, Executive Director.

A Willoughby lobbyist has asked us to publish this John Birch Society video discussing the Convention of the States.

UPDATE / URGENT: If you want to testify against COS Con-Con resolution HJR 1 on February 9 (details below), contact JBS Field Coordinator Robert Owens at He will help coordinate your and others’ testimonies. When you contact him, include your phone number for faster communication.

The details: The Ohio House State and Local Government Committee has scheduled opposition testimony for COS Con-Con resolution HJR 1 for Wednesday, February 9, at 3 pm EDT. The hearing location will be Room 121 of the Ohio Statehouse.

The John Birch Society encourages you to attend this hearing and to testify against this dangerous Con-Con resolution. If you want to testify, write to the office of Rep. Scott Wiggam (the committee chairman) at You can also call his office at 1-614-466-1474.

We also encourage you to call the House offices of the members of the State and Local Government Committee and urge them to oppose and vote NO on HJR 1. Listed below are the names and phone numbers for the most important committee members:

Urge your state representative and senator to oppose HJR 1 and all other pro-Article V convention resolutions and to instead consider nullification as a safe and constitutional means to limit government.





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