Depopulation is the Goal

By Jon Fleetwood

Some Catholic organizations are “denying not only the evidence of the facts but also the existence of a global plan that has deliberately caused this psycho-pandemic in order to bring about a ruthless reduction of the world population (especially the elderly) and impose forms of control and restriction of the natural rights of citizens.”

  • Italian archbishop Carlos Maria Vigano shared a letter online that he wrote to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith (CDF).
  • In the letter, Vigano characterized Covid-19 vaccine campaigns as “criminal” and stemming from a “globalist vulgate.”
  • The archbishop also accused the Vatican of towing this globalist vaccine agenda “without taking even the slightest account of the serious critiques of the so-called vaccines.”
  • He went on to criticize the Pontifical Academy for Life—a Roman Catholic establishment focusing on medical ethics—for promoting the Covid-19 vaccine as “an act of love and a moral duty” while “incontrovertibly denying not only the evidence of the facts but also the existence of a global plan that has deliberately caused this psycho-pandemic in order to bring about a ruthless reduction of the world population (especially the elderly) and impose forms of control and restriction of the natural rights of citizens,” writes Vigano.
  • Archbishop also argues the “deep Church” has become “subservient to the deep state” in a “New World Order” composed of a “complex network of complicity between the globalist oligarchy, the financial power of the pharmaceutical companies, international institutions and national governments all over the world.”
  • He also refers to the Covid-19 inoculation as a “gene serum” and not “a real vaccine” because its “effectiveness in preventing contagion is zero.”
  • “COVID is not a fatal disease,” says Vigano, “if treated promptly.”
  • “But, in order for the truth to triumph and the guilty to be condemned, it is necessary to open our eyes, recognizing the crisis of authority both at the political and religious levels.”

“[High-ranking members of the Catholic Church] who betray their mandate, who are almost always just as corrupt in doctrine as they are in morals, have occupied the Church of Christ in order to transform Her into a state church, a zealous servant of the New World Order and apostate in its faith. What was an infiltration up until a few decades ago has been transformed into a true and proper invasion in all of the Roman Dicasteries and in the peripheral organs of the Holy See,” writes Vigano.

“The corruption of the pharmaceutical industry, although it is well known, is deliberately ignored, because BigPharma is one of the principal allies of the elite in the pursuit of the Great Reset,” he writes elsewhere in the letter. “The Bergoglian church is also a supporter of the New World Order, and the crimes committed under the pretext of the pandemic are culpably silenced by Bergoglio because he hopes to gain political advantage. This coup will be thwarted, and along with it the sect of heretics and corrupt men that now occupies the Vatican will inexorably collapse.”

Archbishop Vigano concludes, “But in order for the truth to triumph and the guilty to be condemned, it is necessary to open our eyes, recognizing the crisis of authority both at the political and religious levels: both of these, having denied their origin in God the Creator, Lord, and Redeemer, have lost their legitimacy, and as a result they have also lost the obligation on the part of citizens and the faithful to obey them. Let us pray therefore that both civil and ecclesiastical rulers may understand that only by returning to God and His Law will they be able to merit the respect that today it is a duty to deny them. And may the Lord protect and give courage to those who oppose the kingdom of Satan on earth.”

Letter from Archbishop Viga… by Jim Hoft

  • Reducing the world population through vaccines was proposed by Bill Gates during a TedTalk in which he argued that vaccines can be used to help “lower” the number of human beings on earth by “10 or 15 percent.” “First, we’ve got population,” Gates said to the audience. “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent” (start video below at about 2:30 for context).
  • The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is an official partner with the World Economic Forum (WEF), the globalist (here) organization that created the Great Reset agenda, mentioned in Vigano’s letter.
  • PfizerModernaAstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson are official WEF partners as well.
  • Vigano was elected archbishop on April 3, 1992.
  • He was consecrated and made Titular Archbishop of Ulpiana on April 26, 1992.
  • He served as Secretary General of the Governorate of the Vatican City State, and was appointed Apostolic Nuncio to the United States by Pope Benedict XVI.


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