Community Activists in Action

We attended a fundraising event for five brave members of the Ohio Republican State Central Committee last night in downtown Cleveland. The event was sponsored by George Csatary and his weekly radio show called the Monday Roundtable.

LFC salutes Mark Bainbridge, JoAnn Campbell, Joe Miller, Laura Rosenberger, and Denise Verdi for promoting and demanding honesty, integrity and transparency in the Ohio Republican Party.

LFC wrote an previous article regarding the questionable tactics of the “leaders’ of the Ohio Republican Party.

Here is a flyer that briefly explains the lawsuit, and where you can donate to help the five members with their legal costs.

Here is a flyer giving the details on very tenacious fighter for honesty, integrity and transparency, who is running for the Republican State Central Committee. —- Laura Rosenberger. Laura spoke to the audience about the lawsuit, and why she still wants to be involved in the State Central Committee. It was the first time I have heard her speak, and she did not disappoint! I would describe her as kind, caring, but laser focused on getting the job done!



Categories: State of Ohio, Uncategorized


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