Ebay promoting child sacrifice

March 6, 2022

Dear Brian Massie,

When my good friend and Director of America Needs Fatima, Mr. Robert Ritchie, who is also a long-time member of Return To Order, told me about their protest of ebay’s Satanic Child Sacrifice Shirts continuing to be allowed to sell on ebay’s platform, well …

I knew that all Return To Order subscribers would love to support the petition. So the links will direct you to America Needs Fatima’s web site.

It’s hard to believe how deep society has sunken. Now, we have the shameless promotion of child sacrifice!

You and I know that Satanic items pose a serious threat to society and are a hateful attack on Christians and children everywhere, as they inspire violence and hatred and stifle the grace of God in souls.

Above all, these are an offense against God and a direct threat to the moral fabric of America and the world. They repel the blessings of God.

ebay Must Start Acting Responsibly!
Urge ebay To REMOVE These ShirtsofChild Sacrifice and Child Satanic Practices

But we must not only avoid evil, love of God requires us to also fight evil; always peacefully, legally, and prayerfully – – yet firmly.

ebay, an online store, hosts vendors that sell satanic and murderous messages on children’s T-shirts.

ONE SUCH Children’s T-Shirt MESSAGE says: “Let’s Sacrifice Toby”
The accompanying image is of a conservatively dressed young boy lays prone on his back, legs being held by another similarly dressed young boy; a cute, pig-tailed little girl kneeling to the side of the prone boy holds a large and long-bladed knife raised above her head ready to stab down onto the prone boy!

A hissing black cat and children’s wooden toy blocks painted with the demon numbers 6-6-6. And a sort of trademark-ish emblem annotated with “Activities for Children”.

The image leaves no doubt about what idea they are trying to normalize.
And ebay is allowing quite a few vendors to sell versions of this shirt. 

Here’s one more.
And another.

This is dangerous and too much! The “Let’s Sacrifice Toby” shirt unmistakably trivializes and promotes child sacrifice and Satanic murder child-to-child; many children might think it’s a fun thing to do.

Urge ebay To REMOVE These ShirtsofChild Sacrifice and Child Satanic Practices

ANOTHER SUCH Satanic Children’s T-Shirt Message says: “Let’s Summon Demons”
See them here.

ebay. com allows the promotion, to children, of child sacrifice and the summoning of demons.

God Always! – Satan Never! PROTEST NOW!

ebay should promote and encourage ONLY the common moral good.

You may remember, in the past, we protested when an online store like this was found to be selling “Consecrated Hosts” for Satanic practices, which it claimed were consecrated by a Catholic priest.

Though this item was removed, others items for Satanic practices persist.
Among others, there are:
Images of burning churches on t-shirts and other products. One product, another shirt, has the following description: “BURN YOUR LOCAL CHURCH”;
a shirt with a large inverted crucifix with the tag line “****[expletive deleted] YOUR GOD”

A plethora of inverted crucifixes, Satanic “rosaries,” and other “religious” items for immoral use.

INCREDIBLY, this is in contradiction of ebay’s own policies: “Listings that promote, perpetuate or glorify hatred, violence, or discrimination, including on the grounds of race, ethnicity, color, religion, disability, national origin, sex, gender and gender identity or sexual orientation, aren’t allowed. [emphasis added ~ Ed.]

ebay Must Start Acting Responsibly!

Urge ebay To REMOVE These ShirtsofChild Sacrifice and Child Satanic Practices

I remain,


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