Scott Fishel Reveals Harmful Material Taught at Riverside Schools

LFC Comments by Brian Massie, Riverside School District taxpayer

I attended the Riverside School Board meeting on Thursday, September 22, 2022. There were two topics that I thought might interest our readers.

  1. The new school board member, Scott Fishel, responded to the question from a prior meeting about the harmful material being taught in Riverside schools.
  2. Curriculum Director, Dr. Melissa Mlakar, and Superintendent James Kalis spent a great deal of time on the school district’s new report card issued by the State of Ohio Board of Education.

We will save the second item for an article to be published next week. We have just completed our extensive research into the proficiency scores of all Riverside’s schools by grade and subject matter. Our research goal was to determine the impact of the Covid virus on the proficiency scores, but we can also use the report to determine if Dr. Mlakar, and Superintendent Kalis are correct in their assessment of Riverside’s performance.

In the following video, Mr. Fishel discuses the three harmful materials being taught in the schools, and Superintendent Kalis offers his rebuttal to Mr. Fishel’s opinions.

Regarding Mr. Fischel’s comment about calling the police officers the Spanish word for “a..hole”, pendej. Superintendent Kalis said that he asked their security officers if they would be offended if someone called them that word, and they said “No”.

Word of advice to anyone leaving the school board meeting, do not say “Buenas Noches, pendej” to the police officers….just saying….






Categories: Riverside S.D.


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