A Not So Transparent CDC

By Mary Pruitt / October 5, 2022

The not so transparent CDC has been fighting the release of taxpayer public information of one of their vaccine injury databases called V-Safe.

One of my heroes during these troubling times is attorney Aaron Siri. He has won the case against CDC forcing important Covid vaccine data to be released. He is still fighting to get the comment fields to be released.

That data can be found here: https://www.icandecide.org/v-safe/

You may recall, that he was the attorney who forced the release of Pfizer Covid vax study data that was withheld from the public. People found out bio-distribution reports, 9 pages of severe adverse events and 1,200 + deaths during the very short study among other important facts through this release that are still coming I believe.

The data is definitely still being looked at by many. The tinfoil hat brigade were right again. That data is found here: PHMPT.ORG

In truth,

Mary Pruitt


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