Model Math Curriculum…must it be used?

LFC Comments by Brian Massie, Citizen Journalist

We are on a mission to get the facts about public education out to Ohio citizens.

Our research into the proficiency scores of Lake County public schools has told us that there are very serious problems with math education. We wondered if the school board members know about the abysmal results. It is obvious that the school superintendents and the curriculum directors know about the scores.

Here is a summary of the math proficiency scores for all Lake County Middle and High Schools since 2014 – 2015 school year. We wanted to answer the question: “How much did Covid impact Lake County schools’ proficiency scores”.

The answer is that they were terrible before Covid and just got worse. Some school personnel should be embarrassed by the scores.

The unanswered question is why have they not done anything about improving the math scores. We have been told that there is nothing that the local school district can do about the curriculum because the “model curriculum” is mandated by the State and the “Common Core” curriculum is what must be used.

That statement is absolutely false!

We contacted the State of Ohio Department of Education and received the following response from Jennifer Stump, Director of the Office of Policy and Legislative Affairs:


Mr. Massie,

Your email was forwarded to me for a response. Ohio law requires the State Board of Education to adopt academic content standards and a model curriculum for several subjects, including math. The model curriculum is aligned to the standards. However, no district or school is required to use either the standards or model curriculum. They are available as a resource for all schools, but use of them is optional.

Additional information on the process of developing standards and model curricula is available here.

I hope this is helpful.


Jennifer Stump


Office of Policy and Legislative Affairs
25 South Front Street, 7th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215-4183

(614) 466-5734 | (877) 644-6338


So now that we know the truth, it now raises other questions.

If the School Superintendent, and Director of Curriculum of each Lake County school district know about the failing proficiency scores, why aren’t they doing something about it?

If school board members do not know the truth about the proficiency scores, we question how are they judging the school’s performance?

If math teachers are not happy with the proficiency scores, why are they not speaking up on behalf of the students and the taxpayers that are paying the bills.

If the teachers’ unions, the many trade associations, the PTA’s are aware of the scores, why do they remain silent?

Why do senior citizens continue to vote for school levies when they are being priced out of their homes, and schools are failing the students.

The public schools have decided that they will now focus on the “whole child” and promote their “woke” agenda of social, emotional learning, comprehensive sex education, and promote their “Don’t tell Mom, it will be our little secret” transgender pronoun policy agenda. This will mean that proficiency scores will continue to decline and the children will continue to be dumbed down.

It is time to speak up, and if there is not a course correction, we must send them back to the “one room schoolhouse” by not passing another school levy.




Categories: Education, Lake County - General, Uncategorized


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