Stranger Danger Training for Kids

Stranger Danger

Learn how to inoculate your child from any “mental health professionals” in K-12!

We often focus on the external fight on how to protect our children from Child Mutilation Advocates, but we forget that the best strategy is to teach them how to defend themselves. When they were young, we taught them about “stranger danger” and what to do if someone grabbed them in a public place. We taught them how to be street smart and aware of their surroundings. Download “Stranger Danger” now!­­
­­About This Guide­Follow the suggestions in “Stranger Danger” to arm your child with the necessary tools to prevent “mental health professionals” in K-12 from infecting them with the latest social contagion, such as Transgender ideology and Critical Race Theory.­­­
­­­Key Takeaways­
1. Establish A Circle of Trust
2. Establish Topics That Should Be “For Family Only”
3. Rehearse Responses With Your Child
4. Slow Exposure, Not Avoidance­­­
­­­BE A COURAGEOUS SUPPORTER­­As a start-up we rely on your support to continue arming parents with tools and strategies to protect children from the Transgender Cult. Please support us with a $10 monthly investment or a one-time contribution. Every dollar goes right back to helping parents win the war against woke indoctrination in K-12.­­­­­
­­­PARENTAL RIGHTS­­If you don’t know the rights that you and your child have, it is easy for schools to lie to you. Download this Parent Consent Toolkit that contains an explanation of the Protection of Pupil Rights Act and a consent letter that you should submit to your child’s school immediately.­­
­­­Respectfully,The Courage Is A Habit Team­­­­
­­­Courage Is a Habit116751 Clover Rd #1010, Noblesville, IN 46060­This email was sent to­­­




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