Be Aware of Scams…They Are Everywhere

Brian Massie, Citizen Journalist, senior citizen

Upon hearing about our friend almost losing $15,000 to a scammer, we thought it would be appropriate to reach out to community leaders and get some direction on how we can help Lake County citizens deal with this issue.

Our friend was duped into thinking that her son had been in an automobile accident in Eire, Pa. and was in jail because he killed someone. After taking the money out of her bank account to cover his needed bail money, she had the presence of mind to contact the Erie police and was informed that she had been deceived.

Here is another mail scam that was sent to me. Obviously, these scammers must think that I’m a complete idiot (a sentiment shared by many Lake County politicians, I may add).

Needless to say, I did not contact Michael Reynolds. My Uncle Jimmy died a long time ago….As the old axiom goes: “If it is too good to be true, it probably is”


Mr. Joseph Tomsick, CEO of Lake County’s Council on Aging, did respond to me, and shared the following information about what they are doing about scams in Lake County.

Here is a Better Business Bureau Scam Alert for Veterans:


Mr. Tomsick has representatives from the Better Business Bureau serving Greater Cleveland as guests on his radio show, “Our Aging World”.  Coincidentally, the next scheduled slot is set for Saturday, Jan. 21st when he features Pamela Anson, Director of Brand Outreach.   Her focus is primarily always on scams and fraudulent activity aimed at seniors, and what solutions are available.  


Tune into the “Our Aging World” with Joe Tomsick on 101.5 FM and 1330AM

Listen weekly to the Council on Aging’s radio show every Saturday afternoon on both 1330 AM and 101.5 FM.  The program, “Our Aging World” is hosted by CEO Joe Tomsick, from the Council on Aging and heard from 2PM – 3PM.  Internet listeners may go to and search for WINT.

The show focuses on issues, resources and opportunities for those Lake County residents 60 and older. 

Radio Guests coming up:

Jan. 13:                 Michael Zuren, County Treasurer

                                Leah Adams, National Kidney Foundation

Jan. 20:                 Pamela Anson, Better Business Bureau


Jan. 27:                 Brandon Smith, Social Security Administration

                                John Plecnik, Lake County Commissioner

Feb. 3:                  Laketran

                                Lake County Health District

Feb. 10:                Fine Arts Association of Willoughby

                                Project Hope for the Homeless.


The Better Business Bureau does have a series of sharable videos on their YouTube page already available (not really geared toward seniors in particular), but none the less great for our community.

Congratulations to Lake County’s reaching the 50-year milestone.



Please support Lake County’s Sub Zero Mission…


Categories: Lake County - General, Uncategorized


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