Should We Repeal the County Sales Tax Increase?

Brian Massie, Citizen Journalist

We have been informed by patriots that the Ohio Revised Code allows us to repeal the 1/2% Sales Tax increase approved by Commissioners Hamercheck and Regovich.

“We looked into the procedure for the voters to repeal the sales tax hike. We have until 2/26 to get approximately 10,000 signatures to put the issue on the ballot. That’s not impossible, but it’s a tall order. We’d need a large contingent to canvass the county to collect signatures. I’ve attached the County’s sales tax resolution, ORC section governing repeal of it, and the petition form that would need to be circulated.” 

If you are interested in helping, please send your contact information to We will contact you if we move forward with this initiative.

Here is the resolution passed by the Commissioners on January 12, 2023.

Here is the Ohio Revised Code section dealing with recalling the sales tax:

Here is the sales tax petition that needs to be signed:

Categories: Community Activism, Lake County - General


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