Chardon Transgender Rally

By Brian Massie, Citizen Journalist, Christian

We created a short video of the Transgender Rally held in the Chardon, Ohio Square on May 1, 2023.

There appeared to be four groups represented at the rally:

  1. Those supporting LGBTQ+ and Transgenderism
  2. Christians trying to convince the LGBTQ+ supporters that they are on the wrong path.
  3. Journalists
  4. Law Enforcement

We have come to the conclusion that we truly are in a spiritual war of good versus evil. There does not appear to be any hope of reconciliation between the opposing sides.

So the question becomes “How do we live in harmony without giving up our long held beliefs and morality?” Will we break off into like-minded groups defending our turf against opposing forces?

The Communist Karl Marx realized that when you destroy the family, babies and morality a society will collapse. For those that are more worried about the “Browns being down by 10 points at halftime”, do not be surprised if the world as you know it collapses around you. When you cannot put food on your table, or you have to defend your property and family, perhaps you will then realize that freedom is not free.

We are on a path of destruction.


Categories: Community Activism


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