Was Tucker Carlson About to Expose Elite Pedophile

Totalitarianism, megalomania, rape, pedophilia are crimes of power – absolute power – that eliminate the boundaries and sovereignty of self. They are variations on a theme of power/powerlessness, so why should anyone be surprised that megalomaniacs are also pedophiles??

Sex crimes are rarely about the sex – they are all about the power – that is the thrill for the perpetrator. The heinous nature of sex crimes, particularly against children, obscures the essence of the crime

Linda Goudsmit

 goudsmit.pundicity.com  and website: lindagoudsmit.com 

Tucker Carlson Was About To Expose Elite Pedophile Ring Before Being Ousted

Tucker Carlson was fired by Fox News despite being their most popular star and the highest rating cable news host in history. The firing came just days after Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News Corp settled for $787.5 million in the defamation lawsuit with Dominon Voting Systems in which Carlson played a starring role.

Interesting timing. But there is a LOT more to this story.

There is a huge bombshell was about to break, completely vindicating Tucker and proving him right about everything. This bombshell is so powerful that it proves so-called “conspiracy theorists” right about everything, and exposes the Deep State and mainstream media as compromised in the worst possible way.




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