Filing a police report against the Mentor School District for pornographic books…3rd update June 21st

Updated June 14, 2023 at 6:35 pm…

Updated June 14, 2023 at 8:00 pm

Updated June 21, 2023 at 6:00 am

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

I attended the Mentor School Board meeting and garnered the proof that we needed to file a compliant with the Mentor Police Department. The issue at hand is the book by Toni Morrison, “The Bluest Eye”.

The following nine videos are Mentor taxpayers expressing their opinions to the School Board members and the School Superintendent, Mr. Craig Heath, about the appropriateness of this book.

The only people that stood up to remove the book from the school district was Annie Payne and Tom Tuttle. School Board members Maggie Cook, Virginia Jeschelnig, Mary Bryner, Superintendent Craig Heath, and Financial Officer Bill Wade remained seated showing their support for the pornographic book, “The Bluest Eye”.
Gil Martello, Candidate for the Mentor School Board

We will keep our readers updated on our progress with the Mentor Police Department.


Updated June 14, 2023 6:35 pm

I went to the Mentor Police Department today and filed a complaint against the Mentor School Board for violating the Ohio Revised Code section 2907.321. I spoke to Officer Greco, and he assigned the case the number 23-16831.

Here are the documents that I submitted to Officer Greco:

Officer Greco called me shortly after our meeting, and said that he spoke to the Mentor School Superintendent Craig Heath. Mr. Heath told Officer Greco that based on the discussions at the board meeting last night the book will be referred to their review committee, but that nothing can be done before the Fall because many teachers are on the committee.

I asked if that is all the police department and the Prosecutor’s office is going to do to protect the children? Officer Greco replied that decision is “above his pay grade”.

Unfortunately, that will not solve anything because the board is split 3 – 2 with the majority supporting this pornographic book. This book will not be removed with the current make-up of the board.

I just received the following response from Mr. Gurley, the MOL Prosecutor, in answer to my original compliant filed to the Mentor and MOL Prosecutors.

I will be making the Lake County Commissioners and the Prosecutor’s office aware at the next Commissioners’ meeting of our attempts to get the Mentor Police Department and Prosecutors to protect the children in the Mentor School District.

Regretfully, I’m starting to wonder if the Lake County residents have a false sense of security, and protecting the children from evil doers just an illusion?

One thing is crystal clear to me, and that is Rose Ioppolo and Gil Martello MUST be elected to the Mentor School Board so that the “Woke Agenda” of the liberal school board members and Superintendent can be “kicked to the curb” where it belongs. Sorry, but there are only two genders, and grooming children into the LGBT agenda is demonic, in my opinion. Boys do not belong in the girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms, or on the girls’ athletic teams. Mental illness should be treated by professionals, rather that changing morality norms.

By the way, Mentor will be placing a 2.5 mill Capital Improvements levy on the November ballot. Passing that levy is going to be a real challenge because of the “woke agenda” of the current liberal dominated school board.

Stay tuned, we will be writing more about this subject.


Updated June 15, 2023 at 8:00 pm

School Board members Annie Payne and Virginia Jeschelnig discuss the Toni Morrison book, “The Bluest Eye”. You will not believe Ms. Jeschelnig’s position on the book.


Update: June 21, 2023 at 6:00 am

Here is the police report we picked up from the Mentor Police Department. We combined the 2nd page in order to fit on one page.

We have decided to contact the State of Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost and our State Representatives, Senator Jerry Cirino, Representative Daniel Troy, and Representative Jamie Callender. We want to determine who will finally stand up to protect the children of Lake County. We will continue to keep our readers informed of our progress with the State officials.

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