Sarah Fowler Arthur…Vote NO on Issue 1

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

Thanks to our Geauga lobbyist for sending us this information from State Representative Sarah Fowler Arthur.

If passed Issue 1 would:·      

Enshrine Late Term Abortion in the State Constitution·       Eliminate Ohio’s Ban on Inhumane Partial Birth Abortions·     Prohibit Parental Consent for Minors for Abortions or Sex Changes·       
Eliminate laws protecting women from exploitation by sex traffickers.

Under this proposed ‘amendment’ a 10-year-old boy could be castrated without consulting his parents.

Under this proposed ‘amendment’ the State can no longer regulate reproductive medical ethics and existing rules are invalidated, including prohibitions on aborting children with Down’s Syndrome.


Categories: Issue 1, Uncategorized


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