Lake County and the Sexennial Review

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

“If we stay on the path of ever-increasing property taxes, we will price seniors and those living on fixed incomes out of their homes that they have worked all their lives to achieve.”…A Watchman on the Wall

Thanks to the Painesville lobbyist for sending us this News-Herald article regarding the massive residential property valuation increases Geauga citizens will realize this year.

“Under state law and Department of Taxation rules, real property in all counties is reappraised every six years and property values are updated in the third year following each sexennial reappraisal.”

Lake County property owners will get their sexennial appraisal in 2024 with the increase in their property taxes in 2025 due to the inside millage. And this increase is done automatically without a vote of the people.

One of the biggest deceptions we have uncovered is: “You MUST vote for all of the school levies, because it will retain your property values.” These current increases in home values have nothing to do with good schools. When school proficiency scores reflect failing students why do home values continue to skyrocket and increase our property taxes?


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