A Listing of Black Owned Businesses

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

We received the following message in an email. In keeping with our mission statement to provide loyal Americans a platform to get their message out to the people, we are publishing the message.


Hi there ,

I saw your page lobbyistsforcitizens.com/2020/10/22/17976/, and I wanted to thank you for supporting the Black community.

As this month we’re celebrating Black History Month (In some countries of the world), I looked into some resources to share with my contacts. Actually, that’s how I found your piece, which I recommended to some friends 🙂 I thought some of my other findings might also be relevant to your readers. One of them, which a lot of my friends appreciated, is an article that lists more than 150 Black-owned businesses in North America. I was so happy to see that some people care about helping these companies thrive!

The article is here: https://www.websiteplanet.com/blog/support-black-owned-businesses/

I think sharing this list on your page would be a great way to help promote these Black-owned sites and stores.

I think it will be a great addition to your site and that your audience will love this new resource!




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