Do Pre-Teens Have “Sexual Rights”…SEL Thinks They Do

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

This is a MUST READ for all parents and grandparents with children in the government schools.

“So, what happened to parental rights to raise your own children and guide their education and upbringing? In the minds of SEL proponents, parents and families are now bystanders, with the school emerging as the child’s primary caretaker.”…Marsha Metzger, President of Parents on the Level

Unfortunately, my school district, the Riverside School District in Lake County, Ohio, has embraced Social Emotional Learning (SEL) in their curriculum. It was approved by vote twice by school board members Lori Krenisky, Jennifer Harden, Belinda Grassi, and pushed by the Curriculum Director, Melissa Mlaker.

While attending the Riverside School Board last night, I heard Ms. Amy Zuren mention a huge problem in the Riverside School District. Children are afraid to use the bathrooms, and consequently refuse to use the bathrooms causing potential physical and mental health issues. Ms. Zuren had a great suggestion for the School Board and the Superintendent. Instead of replacing a 20 year old track surface, consider creating one person bathrooms that can be locked by the individual.

Here is an article we recently published about the bathroom problems at Riverside.


How SEL Brings Radical Sex Ed to Your School

Linda Harvey and Marsha Metzger…

November 2023, volume 3

Parents today are starting to understand that sex education is not what it used to be. 

Explicit, X-rated lessons promoting reckless, hook-up relationships are being delivered to students as early as middle school through “comprehensive sex education (CSE).” To their horror, parents are discovering that some schools launch such programs and still maintain that these are abstinence-focused when the actual goal of CSE’s abortion-friendly lessons is to lead children into a comfortable view of risky sexual conduct and even gender confusion. 

“It’s not a big deal. I can manage this as long as I have condoms or contraceptives for protection,” is the CSE takeaway for most students. “And besides, I’ve learned that it’s my right to know all this and make my own decisions.” At age 11 or 12….

Wait—where did that idea come from? The “sexual rights” of your pre-teen?

Social emotional learning—SEL—is where this idea is planted and takes root. And the symbiotic links between SEL and CSE and the rotten fruits that result are just beginning to be uncovered by enterprising researchers. 

An Eye-Opening Experience

Marsha Metzger is president of Parents on the Level and for years, has taught abstinence sex education—sexual risk avoidance (SRA)—to public school students. Now, she lectures about social emotional learning (SEL) as well. Why the new focus?

“It came to me—I didn’t come to it,” Marsha explains. Her story is one being reported by others around the country.

Read Marsha Metzger’s article:



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